Carson City
Carson City Airport is used regularly by private and air taxi operators and is an important hub for business.
LEARN MORETaxpayer's Bill of Rights
Each and Every Taxpayer has the Right:
To an Assessors Office with an "open door" policy.
To a just and equitable assessment of your property, conducted in accordance with Nevada Statutes and regulations of the Nevada Tax Commission.
To prompt and courteous attention from the Assessors Office whenever you have a question concerning any aspect of your appraisal.
To complete details that set forth the Assessors procedures for assessing your property, including a copy of your appraisal records and your parcel map.
To appeal to the Carson City Board of Equalization, the State Board of Equalization and the court system if you feel that your appraisal is incorrect.
To a notice in the newspaper informing you the year your property is reappraised.
To have the Assessors Office be an advocate in the legislature on behalf of Taxpayers.
To an Assessors Office that disseminates new laws and information to the public through the media and speaking to civic groups.
To an appointment with the appraiser who appraised your property for a review of your assessment.
To be advised by the Assessors Office of all of your rights as a taxpayer.
To expect to leave the Assessors Office feeling as though they were served in a competent and professional manner.